Cruelty Free: What Does it Mean, and Why is it Important?

Our Certifications

Cruelty Free International

Cruelty Free International certifies companies with cruelty free standards that are over and above the legal requirements. Their Leaping Bunny stamp of approval lets you know that everything from the ingredients we use to the final products are not tested on animals. You can find out more about Cruelty Free International and their Leaping Bunny programme on their website.



PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have long been advocating for animal rights and against the use of animal testing. We believe that household cleaning products should not be created at the expense of animals, and are proudly certified by PETA for our efforts. You can read more about PETA on their website.


Why is it important?

Unfortunately, animal testing is still a huge problem and distressingly normal. According to Cruelty Free International, nearly 80% of countries globally still test on animals – including the UK. In 2015, it’s estimated that at least 192.1 million animals were used for scientific experiments. The UK are actually in the top 10 countries that test on animals in the world and are top 10 for experiments using monkeys and dogs.


Photo by Ricky Kharawala on Unsplash

What does it actually mean?

There is actually no standard legal definition for the term ‘cruelty-free’, but the most common ethical definition of being cruelty-free means that no animals were harmed by the companies or suppliers in the creation of a final product.

As a British company, we knew it was important to change the landscape and try normalise cruelty-free practices or at least get people thinking about it, here in the UK and abroad. Additionally, almost all countries still allow the use of animal testing on cleaning products. Our products are not only not tested on animals, but most are also safe to be used around pets, so you can rest assured that no animals are harmed when we make your product, or when you use it.

Our products are also safe for aquatic life, vegan, and made with plant-based ingredients, so you know that what you’re buying is not only better for the planet, but also for you and the animals that live on it.

You can explore some of our Vegan alternatives to common detergents below:

Our Fabric Conditioners do not contain tallow, an ingredient extracted from rendered animal fats that are found in most fabric conditioners on the market. Instead, our Fabric Conditioners contain plant-based extracts that still gives your laundry the desired softness and freshness as your favourite fabric conditioner, without the animal ingredients.

To find out more about Ecozone’s credentials and certifications, click here